Unorthodox Registration

Unorthodox Registration (PayPal)
Mailing Address
Street Address
Apt./Building/Suite #
Suggested Donation/Sponsorships: (see below for details)
General Admission Suggested Donation:
Members and Non-members: $75
Students: $25

Platinum sponsor:
2 signed copies of “The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia - from Abraham to Zabar's
and Everything in Between”
One table with reserved seating for 10 people at the private dinner
Entrance for 10 people to the VIP Cocktail reception
10 tickets to the Unorthodox podcast speaker event with premium seating
Premium reserved parking at Moriah Congregation on April 23rd
Name printed in the event program and ½ page ad space

Gold sponsor:
1 signed copy of “The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia - from Abraham to Zabar's
and Everything in Between”
One table with reserved seating for 10 people at the private dinner
Entrance for 10 people to the VIP Cocktail reception
10 tickets to the Unorthodox podcast speaker event with premium seating
Premium reserved parking at Moriah Congregation on April 23rd
Name printed in the event program and ¼ page ad space

Silver sponsor:
1 signed copy of “The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia - from Abraham to Zabar's
and Everything in Between”
One table with reserved seating for 8 people at the private dinner
Entrance for 8 people to the VIP Cocktail reception
8 tickets to the Unorthodox podcast speaker event with premium seating
Premium reserved parking at Moriah Congregation on April 23rd
Name printed in the event program

Pillar sponsor:
1 signed copy of “The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia - from Abraham to Zabar's
and Everything in Between”
One table with reserved seating for 6 people at the private dinner
Entrance for 6 people to the VIP Cocktail reception
6 tickets to the Unorthodox podcast speaker event with premium seating
Premium reserved parking at Moriah Congregation on April 23rd
Name printed in the event program

Benefactor sponsor:
Reserved seating for 2 people at the private dinner
Entrance for 2 people to the VIP Cocktail reception
2 tickets to the Unorthodox podcast speaker event with preferred seating
Reserved parking at Moriah Congregation on April 23rd
Name printed in the event program

Sabra sponsor:
Entrance for 2 people to the VIP Cocktail reception
2 tickets to the Unorthodox podcast speaker event with preferred seating
Name printed in the event program