"And it came to pass after these things...
…that G-d did prove Abraham, and said unto him: ‘Abraham’; and he said: ‘Here am I.’ And He said: ‘Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.’ – Genesis 22:2
Moriah Congregation began as the vision of its founder, Rabbi Samuel Dresner z”l, who sought to establish a strong, vibrant community centered around the synagogue. His vision resonated with a small, but passionate group of people who worked tirelessly and selflessly to lay the foundation of the community that exists today.
It was under the leadership of Rabbi Samuel Fraint, who became Moriah’s rabbi in 1987, that the community began to realize its true potential. This was due in large part to Rabbi Fraint’s strong and bold leadership and his unwavering commitment to traditional Jewish life and practice. It was under Rabbi Fraint’s leadership that Shabbat services expanded to include traditional elements like a complete Torah reading and the repetition of the Amidah. During Rabbi Fraint’s tenure of nearly 30 years, Moriah grew from 80 families to more than 400 families and became known around the country as a truly unique synagogue community.

The Elements of Laurel’s Design
Most of the elements of Laurel’s original design can be seen in Moriah Congregation today.
Moriah Founders
Sima & Morris Belzberg Meredith & Abel Berland Sonia & Ted Bloch* Hope & Stuart Brent Gilda & Irv Bucky* Becky & Barry Dolin Sharon & Robert Dorfman* Ruth & Rabbi Sam Dresner* Rikki & Phil Elbaum Eve & Leonard Eiseman Laurel & Arthur Feldman* Francis & Herman Finch* Vola & David Frohman* Charlotte & Stanley Frank* Joyce & Mel Gerstein Andy & Edgar Gettleman* Jennifer & Larry Gritton* Connie & Herb Hershey Shirley & Sidney Holab* |
Joy & Herb Horwich* Janyce & Marvin Jacobs Phyllis & Sid Kaplan Phyllis & Leonard Kipnis David & Cookie Kleinerman* Joan & Jordan Krimstein Lois & Phil Kupritz* Roz & Norman Lettvin Ann & Steve Levinson Millie & Frank Levy* Valerie & Michael Lewis Helen & Jerome Margulies Rabbi Fred Margulies* Abbie & Lou Natenshon Bobbie & Mush Oberman Selena Pestine* Jane & Nate Pickus Sara Poticha* Norma & Lester Rosenberg Mary & Sy Rosenstein | Karen & David Sager Dawn & Harry Schuman* Shirley & Arthur Sherman* Frieda & Arnold Shure* Beverly & Ben Smolensky* Ada & Jack Solovy* Mary K. Specthrie* Bodanna & Maurice Spertus Linda & Tom Spring Terri & Allan Sweig Bunny & Fred Tasner* Ethel & Ron Taub* Charlotte & Larry Tayne* Elinore & Arnold Thaler* Sayah & Karl Ticho* Evelyn Waldman Maxine & Harry Weindruch Bernard & Rochelle Zell* |