Teen Learning

Jewish Teen Project

For all 8th – 12th Graders

The Jewish Teen Project is a cooperative learning experience for all 8-12th graders, hosted by North Suburban Synagogue Beth El and Moriah Congregation. Our teens come together to learn with our incredible clergy and participate in social action projects.

This year, we are beginning the third year of an incredible partnership with NSS Beth El. We hope your 8th-12th graders will join us for this fun, engaging, and important learning opportunity with our rabbis and teens.

The learning truly serves as the backbone for building this vibrant community of teens. We are proud to have attracted students from both public school and Day School – Jewish Teen Project really is for everyone! This partnership experience between North Suburban Synagogue Beth El and Moriah Congregation offers students a great opportunity to learn and grow in a peer community and from the wisdom of Rabba Finegold, Rabbi Michael Schwab and Rabbi Alex Freedman.

Please help us spread the word so our program can continue to go from strength to strength. This program is open to ALL Jewish 8th-12th graders.

Semester One

Timeless Lessons from Age-Old Stories, Taught by Rabbi Kramer

The Talmud contains some of the most amazing stories ever told. Some of them are provocative, some of them are strange, and some of them are simply unbelievable. But all of them have timeless lessons to teach us about morality, ethics, and what it means to be a human being. Each week we read some of these stories together and seek to apply their lessons to the contemporary issues that define our life. 

Tuesdays October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 30, December 7

Class meets on Zoom 7:00–8:00 pm

Semester Two

Jewish Perspectives on Current Social Issues, Taught by Rabbi Freedman and Rabbi Schwab

So many current debates about social issues actually have their origins in classic Jewish sources. We will examine a number of these topics – environmentalism, inclusion, antisemitism, and more – through video clips, conversation, and Jewish texts.

Tuesdays January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8

Class meets on Zoom from 7:00–8:00 pm


Jewish Teen Project Registration

Please register by clicking the "Register" button below, and send a payment to NSS Beth El attention: Jewish Teen Project.

Please be in touch if you have any questions.


Save the Dates

In-person social action projects with Chuck Kahalnik:

Sundays October 24, December 12, January 30, February 27

Jewish Teen Project Siyyum on Tuesday March 15 from 7:00–8:00 pm