Donations - Your contributions are greatly appreciated, please email [email protected] or call 847-948-5340.
Join our Community
Our vibrant Kehilah (community) serves individuals, couples and families of all ages. Come see Moriah in action and stay for our famous kiddush lunch on Shabbat. -
Pray with Us
Community Worship
Our services are led by members of the congregation and the Rabbi. There is a spiritually uplifting feeling as we are blessed with great congregational participation at all our services. -
Dive into our
Adult Education
From Talmud to History, Culture and Hebrew Language, Tefillah (Prayer), Israel, Current Events, cooking, Art, Dance and more; Moriah offers a wide range of learning opportunities for our adult community.
Donate to
Moriah Congregation
Please email [email protected] or call 847-948-5340 and we will be happy to assist you.

Learn about Moriah's
Early Childhood Center
Join us to see what makes Moriah a kehilla k’dusha (sacred community) of children, parents and faculty.
Learn about Moriah's
Early Childhood Center
Join us to see what makes Moriah a kehilla kedosha (sacred community) of children, parents, and faculty.